Monday, May 24, 2010


This must be the official pushing-away-friends week.

I very often feel that I am multiple people living within me. At least two different people. And the more stupid one, the one who is probably writing this, is the more dominant one.

I told a friend, whom I always want to meet and love immensely, that I was in Bangalore over the weekend. Even though I was whiling away time on a rare free weekend in Mumbai.

I haven't replied to this girl I knew in school, who was a close friend, and whose name I have been googling for ages to get a clue on where she was, and who finally mailed me this week. The last time I corresponded with her was in 2000. Because I am not sure I want to show her who I am now.

Have been avoiding talking to a close friend from engineering because I just don't know what to talk about.

And I have been trying to pick up fights deliberately with the friend I value the most.

And I can't control any of it. I really can't.

Maybe this is an apology.

But, we are like this wonly.


Reema Sahay said...

Hmmm ok. Anyways, it is alright. We don't always need to do what is expected. It is a choice we make!

Captain Subtext said...

Congrats! You have won the prize for writing a comment that most resembles a bot.

Reema Sahay said...

Ok. So here’s another one: I stayed away from saying something specific because I had spent some time convincing a friend how there could be hundred reasons for not replying!

Geetika said...

Ha! It's almost cute how you're trying to be all nonchalant about the very obvious emo-ness dripping from this post. Almost.

I always find it easier to argue/fight with those who're close, coz they *get* it, and don't get hurt at the drop of a hat, and despite the arguments, I know they won't give up on me.

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