Sunday, November 30, 2008

Masters of the Whoniverse*

This could be construed as bad timing, considering that we are still going through the one-week post-tragedy ritual of writing seething blog-posts, signing online petitions, passing on chain mails and cursing the government, but it's up, and it needs to be publicized.

I hope you like the site. I hope you would like our questions better, when you choose to call us to conduct quizzes.

* This, as most other, at times idiotic, word-plays, is the creation of the other partner of the company. He provides the creativity, I provide the glamor.


inhas said...

Nice bios and even interesting mnadeewar :)... loved both of them.

Anonymous said...

Very humorous bios !!

menongitis said...

yeah... after Sehwag's heroics men with receding hairlines r the latest pin-up boys. So much so that a Sehwag Cut can now mean one of two things ... a ball soaring over backward point or what a teenager would ask for in 'Babloo Hair Cutting Saloon"

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, what is that we will hear next about you? That you are over Nagraj too?


Captain Subtext said...

[inhas, gaurav] Thanks! Now please get us some quizzes too!

[menongitis] Well...thanks!

[geetika] Naah, Nagraj (and Bhokaal and Doga and Fighter Toads) would stay with me much longer.

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