Sunday, January 20, 2008


After a really great day that was Saturday the 19th - not the least because of India's fantastic victory Down Under, but also because of a nice victory of my own - I am sitting comfortably in my room this foggy Sunday morning watching a movie.

This movie's called Happiness, and I had been looking for it for ages. It's in the same league as American Beauty. Only more twisted. I have seen about 25 minutes of the 2 hours 20 min film and felt I had to make a post when I just got done watching a scene in the movie where a father and his 10-ish son have one of the weirdest conversations ever in a movie. If you haven't seen the film, you might get an idea by the line the scene ends with.

The father hugs the son and tells him reassuringly, "Don't worry son, you'll come some day".

1 Comment:

Phoenix said...

You're tagged.

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