Sunday, January 27, 2008

Quizito Ergo Sum

Now that was one hectic week.

And that was one understatement.

No sleep for 48 hours, 3 quizzes, one impromptu Old Monk party, a four hour standing train journey in General compartment, another 2 hours standing train journey in General compartment, and no beer when one needed it because it happened to be a dry day - there's only so much that a man can take!

My last year in college (for the time-being if not for the rest of my life) is going to be most remembered for the number of quizzes I have taken part in. This weekend we went all the way to Jamshedpur (a visit to the city that I grew up close to after a gap of 9 years) and then to Kharagpur for three quizzes. Got richer by a decent amount of money, but got really really tired in the process as well.

And the next seven days will see me participate in at least 4 more quizzes.

Life's turning into one big question.


And I've been tagged. There was a time when my blog used to be read far and wide and I used to be tagged every other day. And I used to ignore them under the excuse that I can't make a post if I have been specified a topic. Which is not altogether untrue. But things have changed these days, and readers are few and far between. So, I think I will accept this one. But more because it looks interesting, and also because I have been worried that I have cut down drastically on my book reading to make time for my studies and movie watching. This would hopefully revive good memories of the times spent in the company of books. Wait for the next post for it though.


Phoenix said...

:-) Sounds like a lot of money. Good luck!

Captain Subtext said...

I would like to say it's not about the money, but well...

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